Deprecated Emergency Processes

NO Longer Used: Updating Status Page

  1. FTP in via FileZilla
    1. Hostname:
    2. Username: Lyman
    3. Password: [ask]
  2. Download and edit default.aspx
  3. Comment in or out appropriate HTML
  4. Save and upload default.aspx

No Longer Used: Preparing Email Contact List

  1. Login to MailChimp
    1. URL:
    2. Username: visioninternetVTS
    3. Password: [ask]
  2. Update recipient list
    1. Prepare CSV import
      1. Open Vision Site Database MoBetta.xlsx and go to "Contact List" tab
      2. Copy columns A - J (from "Account Name" to "Hosting")
      3. Open a new/blank Excel workbook
      4. Paste columns A - J
      5. Save as .CSV
    2. Upload to MailChimp
      1. Go to "Lists" on top
      2. Enter the "Technical Notification List"
      3. "Add Contacts" > "Import contacts"
      4. "CSV or tab-delimited text file" and click "Next" at bottom right
      5. Upload CSV, check the "I understand my billing plan ..." box
      6. If "Full Name" shows as "unmatched" just click "Skip All" and "Next"
      7. Make sure it is importing 9 columns
      8. Make sure "Subscribed" is checked
      9. Always check "Auto-update my existing list"
      10. Click "Import"
  3. If only some servers are affected, create a segment
    1. Go to "Lists" on top
    2. Enter the "Technical Notification List"
    3. "Manage Contacts" > "Segments"
    4. "Create Segment"
    5. For specific servers, choose "Contacts match any of the following conditions" and use conditions like these:
      1. Merge Fields > "Server"
      2. "is"
      3. "cms6a"

No Longer Used: Sending Email Notification

  1. Login to MailChimp
    1. URL:
    2. Username: visioninternetVTS
    3. Password: [ask]
  2. Click "Campaigns" on top
  3. Find (Ctrl+F) a past email titled "Sites down"
  4. Replicate it
  5. Choose appropriate client segment (see "Preparing Email Contact List")
  6. Update message name (to current date)
  7. Update subject (to current date)
  8. Update body (use email templates)
  9. Always send yourself a test message
  10. Once approved, send it out