Vision Insight
Home MenuSan Carlos, CA
Interviewee – Kristen Elderson, Management Analyst
Interview Date – 8/24/2016
Outcome – Lost
Proposal Bid – $35,000
Proposal - originally dated July 12, 2016
- San Carlos’ website was last updated in 2009 and they are on an old version of Civica
- To make sure their new website meets the needs of their community, they decided to start their project with a Needs Analysis and Assessment
- They want to bring all services online
- They had a budget of $35-50,000 for the project
- They issued an RFP and received 20 responses – none of our usual competitors replied to the RFP and the prices ranged from $10k to $300k
- A small team of 4 people reviewed all the RFPs and narrowed it down to a final short list included: Area 17, ThirdWave, 2+2, Greer Donovon and Uptop
- ThirdWave won the competition due to their experience in egovernment and strategic planning -
Why did we lose?
- Kristen said our proposal was good, but that it was a little superficial
- We didn’t explain much of the “how to”
What could we improve?
- The proposals that stood out felt very individualized and tailored to San Carlos’ needs – and she could tell which ones
Other points
- RFP for the website development will be sent out in Nov/Dec; Kristen said that we would be notified by email when the RFP is issued (but we should also set a tickler too)
- Would like to select a vendor by the end of the year
- They are definitely no looking for a template, but want a vendor with a forward looking perspective
- When we submit our proposal, we should make sure to note that we have the expertise to take advantage of the needs assessment – and use the analysis to create a website that meets those needs now and in the future
- There is a segment of the market that will pay significant money for a detailed needs analysis and assessment – and the bottom of the population range is probably near San Carlos population of about 30,000
- If we have another opportunity to bid on this type of project, we should spend more time to tailor the proposal