Vision Insight
Home MenuBasic CMS6 Site Integration
1. Review project specifications. If there are missing or unclear specifications, please let your supervisor and the project manager know as soon as possible.
2. Verify HTML structure. Verify the HTML structure of the homepage and see if it follows the specifications. Take note which are standard vs custom.
a. Header
i. Top Navigation
ii. Search Box
iii. Social Icons
iv. Translation
v. Main Menu
b. Body
i. Main Graphic (Collage)
ii. Image/Text Links
iii. News Box
iv. Events Box
v. Social (Facebook/Twitter) Box
c. Footer
i. Footer Navigation Links
ii. Social Icons
iii. Footer Info (HTML)
iv. Footer Logo (Clickable/Configurable)
3. Setup TFS
a. Run/Open Visual Studio 2012
b. Show/View Source Control Explorer window/tab
If not shown, navigate to View > Other Windows > Source Control Explorer
c. Under Vision Internet CMS6 Collection > Projects
If connecting to the TFS server for the first time:
i. Go to Team Explorer then click Connect.
ii. Add a new connection/entry with these details:
iii. You may be prompted to login using your AD credentials. But by default, it should use the currently used AD user/login credentials. Please make sure too that you were given necessary access permissions to the TFS.
d. Create a branch from the _Main branch. Follow naming conventions.
e. Map it to the assigned development server folder (Ex: Z:\Projects on Adarna\Torrance, CA\Site6). You will be prompted to get/download the latest files into the mapped folder, just click Yes to continue downloading the files.
4. Setup MS SQL DB
a. Run/Open MS SQL Server Management Studio (2012)
b. Connect to the database server (e.g. ADARNA\SQL2012, TITAN\SQL2012) using your AD credentials. If you can't login using your AD credentials (please ask assistance from GA, Kenneth or Chris).
c. Under Databases, create a new database following the naming convention
i. Enter Database name (e.g. TorranceCA6) then leave the rest using default values (Click OK)
d. Under Security > Logins, create a new login following the naming convention
i. Enter and take note of the username (e.g. TorranceCA6dbo)
ii. Enter and take note of the password (random)
iii. Assign Default Database to the recently created database above (e.g. TorranceCA6)
iv. Set User Mapping
a. Grant access to the newly created database above
b. Grant db_owner role
v. Click OK to finish setting up a login. This will automatically create a user in the database for that login.
5. Setup VMC
a. Follow naming convention
b. Create a new project
c. Generate Project ID and save for later use
6. Setup IIS (Website/Virtual Directory)
a. Open Remote Desktop Connection and connect to the server using your AD credentials
For CMS6 sites:
- New sites should use ADARNA
- Older sites (CMS6 sites currently using TITAN) being redesigned should remain in TITAN
- New sub sites added to older sites should remain in TITAN
b. Once logged in to the server, open/run Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
These are the common ways to run IIS Manager
- Press Windows + Run or right-click start menu then select/click Run, then type in "inetmgr", then press Enter
- Press Windows then start searching for Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager
c. Create the Application Pool. From the tree view, look for Application Pools, then right-click and click/select the "Add Application Pool..." menu item. Enter the name for the application pool (follow naming convention), select .NET CLR Version, select Integrated managed pipeline mode and click OK to continue.
d. Create the (Web) Application. From the tree view, look for Sites > ADARNA (this should be after the Application Pools section), then right-click and click/select "Add Application..." menu item. Enter the name of the Application (follow naming convention) in the Alias field, select the recently created Application Pool, then choose the Physical Path (the Site6 > CMS6) and click OK to continue.
7. Replace/Update Static Files
a. Images
[Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\*.ico
[Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\*.png
[Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\_gfx\*.*
[Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\*.less
[Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\*.css
[Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\css\*.*
c. JS
[Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\sitelayout_scripts.js
[Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\homelayout_scripts.js
[Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\mobile_nav_scripts.js
[Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\scripts\*.*
8. Update Custom.config
Path: [Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\Configuration\Custom.config
a. Update the project identifier
b. Update database connection configurations
c. Update Session Key Name
d. Enable bootstrap
9. Update HomeLayoutTemplate.ascx
Path: [Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\Views\HomeLayoutTemplate.ascx
a. Take note of the columns required
b. Check/Update which client-side scripts need to be referenced
i. homelayout_script.js
ii. bootstrap.min.js
10. Update StandardSiteTemplate.ascx
Path: [Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\Views\StandardSiteTemplate.ascx
a. Add site-wide client-side (JS) script reference - sitelayout_script.js
11. Update ProjectTemplates.vxml
a. Update the columns to be initialized for the header and footer
b. Update the columns to be initialized for the home template
12. Update Initial SQL Script
Path: [Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\Installers\ProjectRelated\project_init.sql
a. Root pages
b. Advanced component pages
c. Custom contents
d. Image folders
e. System variables
13. Update (Clean) Components.vxml
Path: [Site Folder]\Project\Contents\Main\etc\components.vxml
a. Remove all "add" elements, then save the file. During initialization of the site, the CMS6 will append this file for the log information of the installation of the components. You will know if a component is properly installed or not through the logs.
14. Backup Database. Backup the blank database before initializing the site in case we need to restore later if the initialization failed (TorranceCA6_PreInitialization_20170121_1000)
15. Update Project Info (Vision Client Manager using Firefox/Chrome Plugin)
16. Double check the configurations, then access the site using a browser to trigger the initialization of the site. If successful, backup the database (e.g. TorranceCA6_PostInitialization_20170121_1200), then proceed to the next step. If not successful, follow troubleshooting steps.
16. Set Permissions
17. Access the Site for the First Time Using a Web Browser
18. Update System Settings
19. Update System Variables
20. Upload Image Files into Image Library
21. Update Custom Contents
22. Update Widgets
a. Header
b. Footer
c. Homepage
24. Create Interior Test Pages
23. Test the Site
a. Add test component contents
b. Check widget settings
i. Check settings that need to be exposed to the CMS users are shown
ii. If using custom contents, make sure it is linked to the correct custom content