Goals and Metrics

For our mission to keep clients happy to continue with Vision, we track four metrics to tell how well we're doing.

Average First Response

What's measured: The first email response we send when a client emails in a new request

Target: <= 2.5 hours

Time On Agent

What's measured: How many business hours elapse with the case in a "New" or "Open" status (i.e. awaiting our support agents' action, not pending the customer or another Vision team)

Target: tentatively <= 30 business hours

Customer Ease Score

What's measured: A survey is sent after valid cases asking how we did. The "net ease" score is the percentage of clients who answer positively minus the percentage of clients who answer negatively; possible score ranges from -100 to 100

Support Process - Survey

Target: >= 75

SLA Misses

What's measured: The number of cases we miss internal response SLA on, after the first response.

  • Emergency: 1 hour, then as agreed
  • First response: 2 business hours
  • Urgent or Elevated case: 1 business day
  • "Open" case: 3 business days
  • "Pending Internal Response" case: 1 week
  • "Pending Customer" case: 3 weeks

Target: tentatively <= 4% of cases