Salesforce Post-Launch Update

After the website is launched but before handing off the client to support, update the account in Salesforce so support has all the information they need.

Step 1: Search for the account name in SalesforceInitial Login

Step 2:
Select the accountSelecting Account to Edit

Step 3: 
Click edit to update the account information

Editing SF Info

Step 4: Fill in the fields highlighted in green (required) and orange (if relevant)

  1. Website (URL)
  2. Initial Launch (date)
  3. Time Zone
  4. PM Launch NPS
  5. Vision Launch NPS
  6. PM Design NPS
  7. Vision Design NPS
  8. CMS version
  9. Support Option (vLive edition)
  10. Hosting (Vision or Client)
  11. IP address (if Vision hosts)
  12. Server cluster (if Vision hosts)
  13. Launched (this should be checked if handing off)
  14. Launch Date (most recent go-live date)
  15. Dev Site URL
  16. Dev Site Path
  17. Staging URL (blank after launch)
  18. Old Dev Site URL (if upgraded)
  19. Old Dev Site Path (if upgraded)
  20. Project Manager
  21. Project Contacts
  22. Technical Contact Name / Title / Email
  23. Customizations (detail what is customized, include URL if possible)
  24. Subsites & Design Themes (names and live/dev URLs of subsites, intranets, design themes)

Fields to fill out in SF