Vision Insight
Home MenuSalesforce Post-Launch Update
After the website is launched but before handing off the client to support, update the account in Salesforce so support has all the information they need.
Step 1: Search for the account name in Salesforce
Step 2: Select the account
Step 3: Click edit to update the account information
Step 4: Fill in the fields highlighted in green (required) and orange (if relevant)
- Website (URL)
- Initial Launch (date)
- Time Zone
- PM Launch NPS
- Vision Launch NPS
- PM Design NPS
- Vision Design NPS
- CMS version
- Support Option (vLive edition)
- Hosting (Vision or Client)
- IP address (if Vision hosts)
- Server cluster (if Vision hosts)
- Launched (this should be checked if handing off)
- Launch Date (most recent go-live date)
- Dev Site URL
- Dev Site Path
- Staging URL (blank after launch)
- Old Dev Site URL (if upgraded)
- Old Dev Site Path (if upgraded)
- Project Manager
- Project Contacts
- Technical Contact Name / Title / Email
- Customizations (detail what is customized, include URL if possible)
- Subsites & Design Themes (names and live/dev URLs of subsites, intranets, design themes)