Wrike Roles & Responsibilities

Creating Projects - 

The Project Manager Lead will be creating projects based off of templates as a starting point.

Assign Projects -  

Project Manager Lead will assign the projects based off of load and scope.

Tagging Projects - 

The project Manager will be responsible for tagging the projects with the appropriate folders, to ensure that the project displays in the appropriate results when running reports.

Updating Custom Fields - 

The project Manager will be responsible for updating the custom fields and including the information necessary for each custom field.

Attaching the contract - 

The  Project Manager Lead will attach the searchable contract to the project for the project manager to review, and reference.

Attaching approvals - 

The Project Manager will be responsible for attaching approvals to the appropriate task.

Modifying the project's plan -

The Project Manager will be provided with a base to start the project plan, however they will be responsible for adjusting the plan to reflect the actual project's scope, timeline, and milestones.

Creating sub tasks - 

Depending on the case, this will be shared. The project manager may need to create sub tasks to adjust the project plan, for changing scope. The Department head may create additional sub tasks for additional rounds of QA or Design for example.

Updating the Template - 

The  Project Manager Lead will maintain and update the templates, if you have a suggestion, you would submit the suggestions to the  Project Manager Lead, it would be reviewed and applied to the template if approved to proceed with.