Design Review

1) Assign PM to the

Client Name - Home Page Design Review Task

2)Include all details for the design on main task ->

Client Name - Home Page Design Review Task

a) include Jpegs

b) include Invision app link with comments specifying functionality

3) Create 2 Sub tasks for the FE/BE Team

4) Assign department heads to the appropriate sub task.

Subtasks Details Comment

5) Share Main Task with Department heads to ensure they are able to see the description

Share Main Task

6) Link Main task in the BE/FE Sub task description


 7) When each Department head has reviewed the Design, they will either Request details, provide feedback, or approve the design.

8) If additional details or changes are requested, please proceed with adjustments, then comment back when details, or changes have been completed.

9) Upon approval, the department head will mark their Sub task as completed.

Dept Heads complet

10) Once both tasks have been marked as completed, the project manager marks the parent task as complete.


Here is an example:


For information about what each status means in the design review workflow:
